According to individual needs, Daphné releases nerve blockages, swelling, water retention, and inflammation through this very gentle, wave-like, circulatory manual technique, as lymph surrounds the cells and permeates tissues. 

Lymphatic drainage is very relaxing and soothing for the nervous system. It treats swelling of the legs, joints, and abdomen and detoxifies the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, and fat layer from accumulated toxins and hormones. It also strengthens the immune system (allergies), relieves arthritis,eases depression, slims the figure, and regulates hormonal flow.

GRAPEFRUIT VS CELLULITE, CINNAMON VS ARTHRITIS Monoi blend penetrates through this uniquely French savoir-faire to all of the organs (including the brain) to detoxify, relax, and re-energize the entire body.

Doctor recommended massage after liposuction; water loss is immediate  

2 hours $225 for women only

+$25 add on for face lymphatic 

Treatment begins with in a Infrared Sauna with a Detoxifying foot bath & exclusive anti-inflammatory herbal tea